Ángela Leyva

Angela Leyva

Ángela Leyva Gómex, (b.1987, Mexico City, Mexico) Lives and works in Mexico City.

When I was born, my father was finishing his specialization as a geneticist and at some point we had to accompany him to his residence, so I have always been familiar with the clinical and medical issue. Always surrounded by his books, cases and his stories, which I understand cultivate a lot of my imagination and personal aesthetics and as an artist.

My work revolves around the creation of portraits. These are built through inquiring into the narratives of different individuals and their peculiarities, as well as investigating their objects and/or archives. I consider these personal fragments as vestiges or clues to be rebuilt. These places provide me with the substance and matter to structure a series of works, which become poetic metaphors of the subjects themselves. 

My work reflects upon the individual as the minimum unit of society, and as an inexhaustible source of inquiry, which can establish the guidelines to understand our different contexts as humanity. 


Graduated from the ENPEG “La Esmeralda” (2006-2010). She is currently studying the Master of Visual Arts at UNAM. Was part of the 2019 generation at SOMA Mexico. And part of the Drawing Workshop of Gilberto Aceves Navarro (2006-2010). In 2019 she participated in the 12th Puebla Biennial, and in the V Edition of the Julio Castillo National Biennial. In 2018, received the honorable mention at the XVIII Rufino Tamayo Painting Biennial, as well as being awarded the painting acquisition award of the XXXVIII National Meeting of ´Young Art´.

In the 2016-2017 period, she received the Young Creators / FONCA scholarship. She has been a beneficiary in 2011, 2012 and 2013 of the FOCAEM Program for the Encouragement of Artistic Creation and Development of the State of Mexico. Has had several individual exhibitions, participated in different festivals, as well as different collective exhibitions inside and outside the country.