Studio visit
Daniel Lannes
Having studied fine arts in New York, Brazilian native Daniel Lannes now works out of Botafogo in Rio de Janeiro.
Known for his large-scale works, use of colors and brushstrokes, the 38-year-old’s paintings toe the line between expressionism and abstraction. Drawing references from both colonial times and modern Brazilian life. Never afraid to dissect and explore the political and social history of his native Brazil, the gifted Carioca keeps his audience on their toes and is one to keep a firm eye on as his career progresses and evolves.
Many artists have drawn influence from their hometowns or places of residence. How did Rio de Janeiro affect your creativity?
I think that Rio has been affecting me in a way that the city is quite chaotic: a mix of jungle with modernist architecture. So it's kinda like living in a concrete jungle. That gives you a mix of visual information and organic experiences. Plus, since our colonisation was done in a miscellaneous way, the interaction of races ( blacks, indians, portuguese, mulatos, italians, etc) has created a fertile ground of cultural diversity and rich visual background. I assume that all those factors happen to invade my mind and my paintings when I'm working.
How are things in Rio these days, from your perspective?
Things in Rio these days are not easy. The city had peaked its potential over the past decade ( olympic games, world cup, investments, etc) however in the last years this euphoric wave has decreased and we are facing a certain downgrade of structures, both economical and cultural. But we are an optimistic people and, perhaps due to that crisis, we may be able to do an even more powerful overcome and that also embraces the quality of art we are doing.
What are you most obsessed with right now?
Nowadays i've been obsessed with the visual surroundings of motel rooms. The kitsch design style they offer; the jacuzzis; the mirrors etc. That is not new to my work since it has always been motivated by an obsession with the human figure and its sensuous appealing.
What’s your studio like? What kind of things do you keep around while working?
My studio is quite rustic. Its placed in an old chocolate factory in rj, so the structure is like warehouse style. There is not too many objects except for lots of magazines from the 80's and pictures i've been collecting. Not to mention tons of oil paint and brushes!
Do you prefer painting to music, silence, or around friends?
Usually accompanied by music.
If you were to explain your work to someone who has never seen it, what would you say?
My work is based in a tripod of sex, violence and power. in a colourful way lol.
How did your style evolve?
I think my style was something i didn't consciously persuaded. its a result of my limitations, skills and what i've observed in paintings i admire.
I know you show up in your paintings, but who are the other people in your works?
Some historical figures usually appear. Sometimes my friends stop by too. My girlfriend has began to appear recently also.
Are you a paint snob?
Yes, a lot. I love good quality paints. I think that for my kind of work they make a difference.
Favorite painter(s)?
Ticiano, Tintoretto and Manet.
Any other contemporary painter(s) / peers that you’re into and want to mention for people to check out?
I admire Adrian Ghenie's paintings. Also like Cecily Browns's work.
Is there a particular work of art that affected you at an early stage?
The miracle of saint Matheus from Tintoretto blew my mind when i first saw it at the academia in Venice.
What can we expect from you next?
Im preparing my first museum solo show which will take place at Paço Imperial in rj, this July. Also a solo show at my São Paulo Gallery (Galeria Kogan Amaro) at the the end of August.